Sunday, February 8, 2009


You know, sometimes (more like most of the time) I feel like I'm alone...

And I can say this very frankly:

My school life sucks.

I mean, it's hard to find someone you can talk to and share things with...not only because we have very different interests...but also that we're just plain different.
Sometimes I even wonder if some of my so-called friends are really friends.

Some of them, I can say, are parasites...being nice to me only because I seem to be good at something. Parasites, I say!

And what the heck is with those people who keep insulting me?!
Seriously, I don't give a damn what you say, but don't go around spreading crap about me that'll humiliate me!
Even some of the teachers know some rumours and bug me about them...!

Crap lah, you guys seriously need a reality check.

ONE, okay, just because it's true (I admit it) you don't have to tease me about my weight! It's not like every single person in this world is skinny! And at least I'm doing something about it, so don't make the the butt of your insults, you fools.

TWO, just because I speak with certain boys (plural!) it DOESN'T MEAN THAT WE'RE DATING OR ANYTHING!!!
What do you think I am, a TRAMP?!
I've clearly said that I won't think about romance at this age, dammit!
And what's up with the teasing about me being nice to some people?!
Just because you guys hate those people, it doesn't mean they deserve to be hated.
I know exactly how it feels to be treated like crap, so I try to treat others as I would want to be treated, which is certainly not the policy in this crappy world.

Like I said, say what you want, but don't humiliate me. I have my own pride too as a person.

THREE, don't go assuming that all I do is STUDY STUDY STUDY. You know, some people just suddenly come up to me and say "So what did you do, study?" "You study all night long ah?"
"I'm sure during holidays all you do is study lah..."

Come on lah! Don't start a conversation with me just to ask something like that! It's as if you're not treating me like a person, but like a robot or some sort... and also, like I said before, don't use me, you parasites!

Let me clarify this:
I am NOT a walking encyclopedia, nor am I a robot. I am merely a person, just like you guys. With flesh and blood, emotions and a certain limit to what can be handled.
Don't push me over the limit. I want to be treated equally. I want to enjoy whatever school like I have left. I want to stay clean (as in no bad records or anything).

If you guys are expecting me to shout out the F-word or something, nice try, but no way. I won't ever do that so save your efforts.'s amazing how much you can spurt out when you're sick... (literally)
I'm glad I let that out...I won't state who I am referring this know yourselves.


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