Monday, March 8, 2010

JPJ Test~


I had my JPJ test!

The test that enables me to get a P license, and therefore, drive on my own if passed.

So, 7-something I was there...and I wasn't alone (fortunately)

From left: Jeanrette, Chong Zhun Ting and Wendy

On that day, there were 34 candidates...

...or more precisely, 34 hopeful candidates...including the faces you see in the picture above.

That's me, Number 20!

Wendy was 21st, Chong 22nd and Jeanrette 23rd.
That meant I was the first one out of the four of us with the same driving instructor.

We saw Vilton as well, Mr. Number 29.

Also, there were Ong Swee Peng, practicing on the motorcycle...
...and Seck Min Guang was practicing driving...

Anyway, we waited for our turns to drive uphill, go parking, cornering...etc...

Things pretty much went smoothly, until the moment I reached the cornering thing...

You see, we are only allowed 3 moves. (Enter, reverse, exit)
Any more or less than that = fail

So I was at the entrance, waiting for Number 19 to exit.
After that, I raised my hand to signal the JPJ guy ==

Mr. JPJ hand-signalled me to start, so I entered (1 move complete)

Suddenly another JPJ guy shouted and glared at me like I just killed a cow on the street ==

He asked me pretty harshly "Why did you enter when nobody told you to enter?!"

I answered "I saw him signal at me to enter..."

"Gostan (reverse) back, immediately!!"

He wanted me to leave immediately, so I did ==
I contemplated whether to just take a shortcut and leave or just finish up the two moves.

Eventually, I considered it as 'practice' and completed the remaining moves...pretty nonchalantly...

So once I exited, I made a U-turn to reenter, but the bum shouted at me again ==

He ordered me to drive back to the hill and stop there...(I thought I was done for...)

I did as was told and got out from the car.

Mr. Bum told me that they made a mistake...the JPJ guy actually DID signalled at me to enter...
So my "cincai"-ly done three moves was considered as the test ==

And luckily I didn't get tricked into giving up those remaining moves... ==

Well, other than that "what the---?!" moment, everything else went fine...

I got 19/20 for the third part (going outside)
Though I have no idea where the 1 mark went, it doesn't really matter...

What matters is that...


Okaaay...not's gonna be done on Wednesday, but

Oh yeah~baby!!

So what now?
After observing the auto cars in my house...

I somehow find manual cars more interesting...


...but they're better to drive ==

Oh well, I'm gonna have to get used to different cars first before actually driving out of my housing area...




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