Friday, September 19, 2008


Current music: Lia - White Sky (DJ INFL_8's EXPERIENCE)
Current game: Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (Finally, a game other than Stepmania!!)
Current condition: A few hours ago I suffered (Just-woke-up-syndrome... y'know...when you can't stop yawning, tears keep coming out and you have a "flu" but you're not actually sick...)
Current mood: Not too good this morning, but fairly good now (since it's a Friday!)

Take note. This is a random post. So whatever posted here is quite random actually because I don't really have a specific topic... but I really feel like posting something, so...

To make this post less boring, especially considering that there are no pictures, I'll just make this post colourful. Well, here I come!

First of all,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MS. LAT (English teacher) and Mdm. Chong Fui Ha (ICT Teacher)!!
What a nice coincidence that both teachers who are teaching me chare the same birthday!

To Ms. Lat: I didn't expect to scare you this morning, but since it turned out that way... the outcome is not too bad either, isn't it? Anyway, hope you like the little presents from 16 of us in 4E!

To Mdm. Chong: (I don't know if you'll read this, but oh well...) You are not the 'Guru Cemerlang ICT' for nothing! You're a great and dedicated teacher, and I'm happy to have you teach me ICT! (Last year you taught me Mathematics!). And hopefully I won't suffer your demerit punishment due to punctuality xD

Second thing,
The Invention Folio~ was really 'rush hour'...
Just a few days ago, Crystal, Tung and I sat together and tried to come up with ideas...
When we couldn't figure out anything I just threw in an idea...
And that idea was actually used for the folio O_o...

Today, Mr. Loh came into our class during Moral period...
He said that as a sign of appreciation for those who passed up on Friday (today), he will give bonus marks... Woohoo~!!! Thanks, Mr. Loh! We'll definitely need them!

Third thing,
Final year exams are coming in two weeks' time!!!
Man, time DOES pass so quickly...
Two weeks' time would feel like two days!!
And it's gonna last for 15 days...
When it's a normal day, one day is like one hour...
But when it's exams, one day is like eternity...
At this rate, I'll really have to put my drawing on hiatus...
I'll draw till I drop once the exams are over...
16th Book!!! Maybe in less than 1 week, I'll reach the 17th Book!
I can't believe how much I draw O_o...

Fourth (and probably final) thing,
I've been asked many times before,
"What the does Elysium mean?!"
and also "Why do you use Elysium instead of your own name??"
I'll tell you what,
STYLE MAH...I want to use Elysium then I want lor...(imagine me saying this in a pure Manglish tone)
I mean, if Jaja can be Ms. Potato...
If Catherina can live in her dreams and be a red dove,
If Ms. Lat can enjoy the beauty of life being Latique,
If Loi Fui Teng can be Theo
(and many more examples, but you should get my point by now)
Then I can be Elysium, can't I???

Alright, for those who really don't know what Elysium means,
Just like Theophilus, Elysium comes from the Greek language.
But if I've not mistaken, Theophilus means friend of God.
As for Elysium, (or Elysian Plains) it's quite similar to heaven or eden (whichever you prefer).

So why did I choose Elysium?
I wanted to make a blog (last year) since many people were doing it and some even recommended that I start one.
Then there was this space where I should fill in the name of my blog.
I couldn't think of any name, so heck, just put Elysium saja lah...
Oh yeah, about the "odyssey" behind it, it's just for the purpose of making my blog name longer and "cooler" *wakakaka*

For those who've borrowed my pendrives before (I have 3 pendrives - 4 actually, but one is for personal use only), you'll definitely notice something.
Each of my pendrives has a name of its own - Elysium, Asphodel and Tartarus. (all Greek words)

I named my 4 GB pendrive as Elysium - and I've told you before, it's equivalent to heaven.
As for my 2 GB pendrive, it's names Asphodel - It's supposedly the 'land' between Elysium and Tartarus--or something like that...
For my 256 MB pendrive though, I just named it Tartarus - equivalent to hell... hey, the pendrive is not faulty - it works fine, but the name...just ignore it xD

And then again some might ask me, "Why so ma-fan oh??"
And again, I would answer "STYLE MAH...!"

Wah... can't believe how a "random" post become such a long one...
Anyway, I hoped the colours helped O_o...

And now I've gotta go...PLAY GAME!!!

Oh yeah, before that...
*random conversation from this morning at school*
Cynthia: we'll give the card to Ms. Lat during recess-- (dialogue interrupted)
Olivia: *grabs me like I'm a squishie or something*
Cynthia: *tries to get away* Olivia, stop it. I need to--
Olivia: *doesn't let go, instead squeezes harder*
Cynthia: STOP IT...!

(Olivia lets go, the girls around me keeps silent...I stare at them for a while)
Cynthia: ...Whoah...I said it too harshly...I even surprised myself O_o;;;

Ok-lah, that's enough for now...


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