Friday, March 20, 2009

March Holidays...

Current condition: A bit sick due to the weather, but still alright I suppose
Current mood: Normal's finally Friday...near the end of the much-needed holidays.
And it's been almost two weeks since I've last updated, so here ya go.

So what have I done during the holidays?
I've struggled with my homework, asking my pals here and there...
I've sat in front of the PlayStation (yes, the first and the lousiest one---and it's not even mine), playing battle and strategy games (in other words, games that girls don't normally play <_<)
I've watched the television...(Entertainment shows, Discovery Channel, Oprah Show...yeah you get the idea)

but most importantly...

I actually took the time to reflect on myself.

Don't start rolling your eyes now, coz you have no idea how many people actually don't take the time to do it.

Frankly, I can tell you that the first three months of the year was a mixture of haven and crap.

But then again, I ain't gonna be sixteen forever. Heck, I only have one week ++ before another digit is added to my age...

The thing is, you definitely can't expect everyday to be a bed of roses.
Sure, there are tough times and all, but why let them stop you from going with the flow?

Correction: Not going with the flow, it's create the flow.

With the recent events (the scandals happening and all that stuff...I'm sure you know what I'm talking about by now)...I don't have any rights to judge whoever that is, therefore I won't comment on that, but just let me say this, especially to you guys who keep telling me that you're going crazy, this, that, this, that...:

You know you're going the wrong way.
Turn back!

Come on! Nobody is stupid enough not to notice anything wrong.
The real question isn't "Am I doing the right thing?"
It's actually "Am I doing anything at all?"

Knowing that you're going the wrong way isn't doing anything.
Taking the initiative to change yourself is something.

If you can't tell the difference between these two, then you need to sit down and think about it.

Also, I'm not only referring to "those" cases. Many people, (almost all, in fact) have this kind of problem.

Alright, enough with that. I'm not a psychologist or anything, but I'm merely stating what I believe is true.

Back to school in three days, mate!


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