Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Layout!

Current music: Sasaki Shizuka & Nojima Kenji - Mugen no Kaze
Current manga: Shin Angyo Onshi
Current mood: Ok-Ok-lah...not too happy but not too sad <_<

Yaaayy~ finally I found the "diligence" to change my blog layout. I found my previous one had veeerrrryyyy small fonts and very irritating...
So, voila! Here's my new layout. I don't know if you guys like it or not, but hey, I like it! xD xD xD And malas add songs already...I think you guys are also sick of the songs in my blog too, eh? Maybe-lah...
I also changed my cbox colours to match (somehow) my blog background. I hope I did a decent job...

So anyways, there's a LOT going on in my life (as always). Always busy busy don't expect me to post or modify my layout anytime soon.

Also, I have this nasty bruise on my right arm T_T. It is about 3 days old now...and I must say, it looks terrible...I would post a picture of it if I want to, but...don't want's mortifying... If you're in the same school as me then you can see for's pretty obvious as I wear short-sleeved shirt 4 out of the 5 in school T_T...and the bruise is quite big (and ugly...) you're blind if you don't notice it U_U.
It really hurts...just touching it a little and it hurts T_T...can barely even rest my arm on the table...and to make things worse, I'm right-handed <_<

OK, you guys are probably curious, so just say did I get this bruise...
On the morning of 19th February 2008 (LOL), around 4:50 a.m. I think, (yes, it's early, because I need to get up early for school). I woke up from my bed, horrified to find out that I forgot to pack my bag the previous night...and I FELL ASLEEP WITH THE LIGHTS ON <_< (well, I've done it many times, happened again!)

So anyway, I quickly packed my stuff and went downstairs to pack my bag. I was still half-asleep and unfocused...and just like Crystal said, the staircase in my house is quite edgy, sharp and I went down the stairs in a dazed state...(bad move!) And about 1/4 through the stairs, my LEFT leg (see? the trauma was so strong that I could remember which leg! heh...) my LEFT leg slipped...something like how'd you'd slip if you stepped on a banana peel...and I came crashing/tumbling/bumping/falling (insert whatever hard-fall word's so bad I can't describe it accurately...only through doing the action myself will you then understand, but I'm not gonna do that LOL) all the way down the remaining 3/4 of the stairs.
So of course it hurt...and I heard footsteps about to open the door, so I quickly, without second thought forced myself up on my feet and picked up my stuff and acted as nothing happened. Besides the bruise I also got some muscle ache...probably from over-stretching them? My shoulder blades and forearms are sore U_U...but I'm still fine enough to move and act normal, so don't worry lol.

Ok-lah, so just as I said, if you wanna see the extent of damage and amount of HP I lost, ( a game, eh...) and the "paralysed" status effect that I have right now, just come see for yourself...

A curious student in the same school as I am, read this post and decided to have a look. Let's just call the student "X"

X: *knocks on door*
Teacher: Yes?
X: Good morning, teacher. Is Cynthia in this class?
Teacher: Yes, she is over there.
Cynthia: *stands up and approaches X* Yes?
X: *grabs my arm and observes*
Cynthia: !?!?
X: Whoa! You're right! You do have a bruise!
Cynthia: *SWT* (automatically becomes the laughing stock of the class) YOU CAME HERE JUST FOR THAT?!
X: You asked to do that in your blog, didn't you?
Cynthia: O_o...*speechless*


Wah...Whoever's reading this...don't you do that! LOL's late...gotta go...hopefully the next time I post, my bruise would be completely healed.....hopefully....



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