Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Current music: Kajiura Yuki - Mezame (from Mai-Hime Original Soundtrack)
Sakamoto Maaya - Gravity (from Wolf's Rain)
Enya - Only Time
DJ Sharpnel - Blue Noah 2006
DJ Shaprnel - Shihen (Piece of Poetry)

(See? Told ya there was a lot - in my previous post. Actually there's more than what I've jsut listed...but these are the best I guess)

Current anime: Vampire Knight
Current condition: Sleepy...wanna go to bed soon
Current mood: Slightly melancholic

*yawn* Well, well...
It seems that tomorrow--oops..I mean TODAY...
there's school again... I'm half-excited and half-lazy to go xD

Anyway...I should've been in bed hours ago, but I'm working on my English presentation...
So many things to worry about...O_o
But the real reason I made this post is for my dear pendrive.

Yes, the old 256 that has been serving me well for the past few years...

Oh, sure there were times when I got frustrated by its small capacity...
And there were times I mumbled about the broken (cracked, actually) cover-thingy-whatever you call it-that kinda "opens" the pendrive to insert into the USB port...

But now...it isn't just cracked. It's BROKEN. Broken as in completely came off O_o.
Just a few minutes ago. O_o o_O

I don't like to admit it, but now it looks ten times uglier than before O_o (and I even used to think it was ugly before <_<)

Now, with a situation like this, my guts are screaming "GET ME ANOTHER ONE!!!!!"
I see classmates (or whoever saja-lah) waving their 4 or 8 gig in front me <_< trying to make someone who uses the computer a lot like me seem like a street beggar.

And now I've heard about a 16 GB O_o. Not in Sandakan yet (or at least I haven't seen one) but it's like...whoah... Do we really need so much capacity?

If it were me (if I am filthy rich that hundred ringgit is like a few cents)...of course I take 16 GB-lah xD

But honestly speaking, 4 GB is enough for me.
No, not 2 GB. (not enough lol) <---I know this from my experience with my lousy 2 GB before it "malfunctioned"...

However, even if I do get a new one (hopefully it's one with big capacity xD)
it doesn't mean I will stop using my 256.
Yealah, it does have its flaws, but so what? It's still functioning, able to serve it's owner. It's just a matter of the owner to continue to use and not neglect his/her belongings...
...which reminds me of the sad fact that many (most likely rich people) abandon their current gadgets once a new model comes out...
Oh well...that's their business...

I guess that's it for now. *hugs dear 256 pendrive*

Later~! *yaawwwwnnn*


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