Final Pre-SPM Post's only two days before the big moment...
But why am I still online?
Nothing much to post here, really...
Just wanna wish all Form 5-ers good luck and all...
And case you're still drawing habits never die...
By the way...if you're looking for motivation before your exams, I certainly recommend that you do so.
...It helps more than you'd think it would.
In a strange way, it gives you a kind of...
...peace in mind.
My next post will be (obviously) after SPM is over.
Good luck, everyone!!!
Sunshine and Hope!
Dang...8 more days! And it's already night, so count that as 7!
It's digit O_o
My feeling is like..."Oh well..."
But a few minutes later, I go "OH CRAP!!!"
And then I cool down again O_o
In other words, I can't describe my feelings properly <_<
Anyway, here are some of my favourite 'quotes' from my autograph book~!
I won't tell who wrote what though, that's for you to guess! (If you can, that is)
Also, take note that some of them may belong to the same person xD
"Mess with me and you're dead." <---(O.O)
"Anything could make one's smile is the best 'anti-depressant'"
"I STILL COULDN'T READ YOUR COMIC BOOK!" <--(Eheh, sorry-lor...)
"The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence....." <---(This is only a part of it, but it's good to use this phrase against someone who just annoy you and can't shut up xD)
"The world is full of stories and from time to time, they permit themselves to be told."
"Between tomorrow's dream and yesterday's regret is today's opportunity!"
"P.P.S: C.Y.N.T.H.I.A, you're a clever, creative, caring, young, hot, interesting, intelligent, active, agressive (wakakaka!!) and ambitious friend." <---(I HAD to read twice when I saw 'hot' xD Now's that's what I call unexpected!)
"What is a fren? A single soul in two bodies."
"It's better to die for something than to live for nothing" <---(emo-ness O.o)
"Precaution: Being fren is an irreversible reaction.
Friends forever, t = ∞" <---(Quite obvious to know who, eh?)
"If you are a chocolate you are the sweetest, if you are a Teddy Bear you are the most huggable, if you are a star you are the brightest, and since you are my friend you are the 'BEST'!!"
"A friend is sweet when it's new...but it is sweeter when it's TRUE! But you know what? It's sweetest when it's you."
"The man of wisdom is never of two minds; The man of benevolence never worries; The man of courage is never afraid."
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me and just be my friend."
"Study more but not to be a nerd girl" <---(Nerd!? O_o)
"A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are for."
"If you need a friend and there are a hundred steps between us, you can take the 1st step to get near me and I will take all 99 steps to be there for you..." <---(Awww~)
"We've known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION, and when we say FRIENDS FOREVER, that's definitely a lifetime PROMISE!" <---(How do people come up with these cool words-lah?! I'm so impressed X.X)
"With clothes the new are the best, with friends the old are the best..."
"A circle is round and has no end, that's how long I want to be your friend!!"
"Friends are like peanut butter, It sticks to the roof of your mouth, Like a friend sticks to you, And it feels as if they never go away!"
"In years to come, some day we will meet again. Then I hope to get the chance to call you 'Dr. Chee'"
"At first, you appeared as an enemy to me, After a year, you've become my close friend." <---(Enemy turned friend? lol)
"We shall soon walk our own paths...But never shall we forget those who have made our journey so far all the more memorable..." <---(Aiyah...ok-lah...this is mine =.=)
I do cherish every single entry...they are all so heartwarming...
Reading them gives me a really fuzzy feeling...and also a bit of sadness...
But then...this is part of life, no?
Thank you, friends!
Lots and lots of love to you guys... *tears welling*
Just because SPM is coming soon, there's always time for friendship!
Correction: Always~~~ and forever~~~!!!