Friday, January 18, 2008

Famous Quotes (so far xD)

Current music: *sorry, I am very outdated when it comes to this*
Current manga: *Outdated*
Current game: Worms...I guess....*outdated*
Current mood: Outdated <_< (Just imagine how it feels like to be old-fashioned)

Phew...finally able to spare some time to blog...not that I was never free at all, but I can't just turn on the computer like that, you know. Once I turn the ON button, turning OFF is another challenge (for me, at least)

Anyway, school life has been so-so so far (swt I'm unconsciously rapping eh...) Not too hectic (yet). And so far I have not burst into fits of tantrums (yet). And still sane and have not gone mad (yet). And not so healthy... (this time it's not "yet" but "as always") *cough* * hack* *shiver*

OK...I don't wanna spend too much time here, so I'm gonna get straight to the point U_U. The bottom line is, the teachers are soooooo cool when it comes to quotes xD
Seriously, they have their own styles and...argh...dunno how to describe... well I'll give a few but wont type their names though (hides behind big tree) Only they themselves will know who-said-what...OK, here goes...

1. Chemistry teacher (on the first day of school) "Don't be surprised if during a test, half of the class fail. It's a normal thing in Form 4 and 5, so if you want to change streams now, it is not too it. Make the right choice (sarcastically <_<)"

2. BM teacher "You are not in Form 3 anymore. I won't go easy on you. I tell you frankly, I am very strict in marking papers."

3. New English teacher (just today) *GIGGLES* "You're from Tiong Hua? Why did you come here?....................usually Sung Siew students will leave because of the stress, but you came here..."

*and I can expect this particular person to stare at me soon LOL*

Brian (class monitor) during his "trial" of one of Ms. Lat's rules:
Brian: *knocks door* Good morning Ms. Lat, may I come in?
Ms. Lat: Yes, you may.
Brian: *walks past teacher*
Ms. Lat: Thank you...
Brian: *sits down*
Ms. Lat: Thank you...!!
Brian: Welcome.

(while class bursts into laughter)
Ms. Lat: Get out...!
Brian: *gets out LOL*

I gotta admit...that scene was a lot like those sitcoms we all love watching...that was classic xD. Should have recorded that and sent the recording...maybe they'll become famous enough to star with Phua Chu Kang xD xD xD

K la~ guess that's all for now...Haven't taken my shower yet T_T...

Guess I won't be blogging until I get the time...but that depends.....
Oh well...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Current music: None
Current manga: None
Current game: Uh...
Current mood: Very good~~~~~ the other way 'round <_<

Gesh~ 2008 really isn't a healthy year for me so far T_T since the clock struck 12 on New Year's, I've been getting sick again and again T_T. Flu, ulcer, fever, sore throat, migraines, you name it U_U...'s been a week since school far so good, I guess...but really, I'm going CRAZY X_X

Anyway, Crystal finally got to change to my class~ after sooo much effort LOL
A lot of things happening...prefect recruitment...interview...etc...

I guess that's it-lah...ish...malas type banyak-banyak...Not in the mood...OK-lah


Saturday, January 5, 2008


Current mood : ..........


Rather quiet.....

School has started...our classes have been decided. Me and my circle of friends have been split...torn apart by the staircase of the school...
Crystal, Jason, Chiew Pui Syam, Siah, Loh Kin Hen, Elliot, etc... ended up in 4D...
in 4E, my allies are Tung, Olivia, Brian, Chang, Lai, and I-cannot-think-anymore...

The various efforts of Crystal and some others (Jason and Chiew are among them) to transfer be able to join us...has yet to bear fruit, but it seems the efforts may not bear anything at all (though I'd like to keep being hopefully, but still...)

For some reason, I don't feel like myself these few days. Not because my friends aren't with me or anything to do with school matters, but I just don't know why...
*gloomily looks at the clock, thinks and continues typing* I close my eyes for a moment...and what do I see? ........nothing.........
Yes, that's right. Nothing. As lame as it sounds it makes me think of all kinds of stuff, but bottom line is, something-doesn't-feel-right. (At least with me, that is)

Oh well...I guess that's it for now...I'm not going to sulk or anything (heh) but just gotta...lay it off for a while...think for a moment...etc...whatever...


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Current Music: Kawada Mami - Roots of roots; Pendulum - Hold Your Colour
Current manga: None (school's gonna start soon after all)
Current game: Stepmania, Worms (heh)
Current mood: Neutral (Not really in the New Year's mood <_<)

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!!!!!!!
OK, now that's done with, SCHOOL'S GONNA REOPEN THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!

Crystal and I have to work on that powerpoint thing!!! KYAHHH~ (Already have work even before school starts T_T)
Tung is on last-minute holiday to KK xD He'll be returning tomorrow I think. (The day before school?!) Anyways, enjoy while you still can, Tung xP
My house is being repainted...last week was just, but now...the living room!
And though my room is now painted blue, guess what colour my living room is now...<_<

PINK!!!!!! P-I-N-K!!!!! As in Barbie-pink! *sticks tongue out* Now my living room looks more like a doll-house <_< But I have to admit, I WAAAAYYYYY prefer it this way than before...(before it was dull like a house suited for old folks U_U) A total age-change, eh?

I stayed up last night to countdown to 2008, but it wasn't really considered a countdown though HAHA~ I was watching a movie with big bro~ Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I looked at the clock: 11:55 p.m., 31st December 2007. Moments later I looked again: 12:00 a.m., 1st January 2008! (At that time we were only about 2/3 through the movie >_>) And about the movie, I liked it (though it was the only PotC movie out of the three that I actually watched till the end) the characters' lines were amazing, and Captain Sparrow's attitude xD. Kinda sad at the beginning of the movie...when the people caught for piracy were being hanged...singing the song..."Hoist the Colours" U_U..... sad, but not sad enough to make me cry xD

OK, now moving on to school matters...(I think I've said this before, but) it's really strange to have school starting on Thursday <_<...*mumbles to myself "Can't they give us a few extra days of holidays???* But I guess they need to start early to complete the 190-day school term...and drag us out of our laziness and start school... Ahem Ahem...Second thing is, I'm reaaallllyyyy eager to know what class I'm gonna be in...and what do I do if I get separated from my pals (I know it's inevitable, but wouldn't it be wonderful if we share another year full of experience together???)
Gonna have to update the website every week...(and only be able to turn on my computer during weekends)
Third thing is, I want to know too...the school hours...*wimpers* Are we gonna study till 3 p.m.....?????
Fourth thing is (LOL so many things to type about) I MISS my classmates (but I just met them during the PMR results release...<_< oh well) And I wonder who I'll be sitting with..... ******imagines******
***03 JAN 08***
Cyn: (Stares at the person beside me)
Anonymous: (Stares back)
Cyn: Uh...hi
Anonymous: *closes eyes and shakes head*
Cyn: O_o...
Cyn: (Accidentally drops pen)
Anonymous: (Bends down and picks it up)
Cyn: Ah...uh...thanks (holds out hand to receive the pen)
Anonymous: (Puts pen in pocket) Finders keepers.
Cyn: WH...?! O_o?!?!

Hopefully that doesn't happen, hehehe. I guess that's it. Won't be able to update this much from now...*tears up* BUT! Once again, HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later~ (Dunno when later is, though)