Saturday, November 10, 2007

Year-End Holidays~

Current music: None...ran out of music to listen to...just listening to other songs U_U
Current manga: Saikano (funny and sad at the same time O_o), Emma (just started...will decide whether to drop it or not later), Hour of the Mice (cool),
finished: Koi Kaze (it was...dramatic, but...:X)
Current game: Kirby's Dream Land 3, still enjoy killing worms xD xD
Current mood (heh): Neutral...I guess (maybe a bit bored, but whatever...)

Holidays are here~ now I'm trying to fit everything nicely into my schedule...
Desperately trying to update the school website xD (just in case teacher or other website members are reading this) don't worry, I'm not slacking off. This process is called "orientation of updating website for the first time". And Siah, scan the buletins!

Other than that, I need to somehow magically get resources for both Tung's video and a powerpoint presentation...Tung's probably really tense right now heheheh. (To Tung, I'm sure you're reading this) You'd better get as much help from me as you can before I go to KL xD if not, you're on your own, dude...destiny is in your hands...(woots)

Anyway, we're gonna get a school blazer~yay! Nice, nice (but hot) school blazer~
But then...I'm still a bit confused about the school KL trip in idea what it's about, no idea what to bring, no idea what we're gonna do there...only know
that it's in KL U.U

Conversation from Friday at school:
Crystal: So you're going to KL?
Cynthia: cham...
Crystal & David: CHAM...?!
Cynthia: xD (Stupidly tilts head backwards for no reason O_O;; And my head hits the staffroom phone and it drops off) Ackk!!! (Tries to catch phone)
(Luckily David caught it though xD)
David: hand...!
Cynthia: head...!

Oh well...
Anyway, KIRBY!!! Yes, Kirby...finished Dream Land 1& onto 3...

This is the first one:

Kirby's Dream Land 2:

And no. 3...better graphics, better soundtracks, better gameplay:

I guess that's it...look pretty cute heh xD and it's not childish! (well maybe a bit,'s fun anyway)
I guess that's all for now...gotta go back to my "orientation".


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